Grab tools now, settle up later.


Get the tools you've had your eye on at Reece, and pay on a schedule that suits you.

  • Fund tools between $1,000 and $15,000
  • 90, 180 or 365 day repayment options
  • Fast application and approval process
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There’s nothing like unboxing that new tool.

LaddrPay offers flexible options to get the tools you’ve been eyeing off at Reece.

1. Choose

Choose the new tools you want and ask your Reece Branch Manager to give you a quote.

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2. Chat

Contact Reece on 1800 522 822 to learn more.

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3. Select

Select the instalment plan you want, apply and begin your repayments.

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Calculate your repayments in seconds.

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The key things you need to know